What a year it has been and what amazing clients we have. I shot my second to last wedding on Saturday and it really made me realize how incredible our clients are. Kelsey and Alex were an absolute joy to work with. When you are surrounded by such loving and happy people there is no way you cannot do your job to the best of your abilities. The ceremony took place at Jacob’s Well Church with the reception at the Muehlebach hotel lobby in Kansas City. Enjoy a few of my favorites from their day. Congrats Kelsey and Alex!
Kelsey’s “something blue” was her grandmother’s ring. I get lucky with the blue flare. 🙂
Alex reads his letter from Kelsey in the basement of the church before he meets her at the aisle. Â
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Leave a Reply to Charlie Walkrich

Great work, Tyler, especially the ring shot. You rock! 🙂