I live by the saying “better late than never”. Same goes with today’s Teaser Tuesday post seeing as it is a Wednesday and all. But alas here are a few of my favorite images from Ashley and Ben’s wedding in Lee’s Summit at The Stanley event space. This wedding had it all. Story, emotion, a killer party and most of all light! They happened to get married the day before Valentines day on the coldest day of the year. I was super impressed with how Ashley and Ben were such troopers braving the bitter cold for a killer portrait. I love when couples have an idea for portraits that have meaning. Such was the case for this wedding. Ashley told me at one point how Ben’s job is in the neon lighting arena and how he had worked on a neon heart sculpture in downtown Lee’s Summit. I immediately knew what we had to do that night of the wedding. This idea has double meaning. Ben had worked on that sign and it was Valentines day. Bingo.
Ashley and Ben thank you for being such great clients and trusting me to make it happen!
The images:
Ben upon seeing his bride for the first time.
The band had these awesome light boxes that lit up when you stand on them. I waited through hours of dancing till some guests had enough of courage to dance on them. Loved those boxes.
Eventually Ashley got up on the boxes lighting up her dress.
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Wonderful pictures especially the last one!