I knew this was going to be a great wedding the minute we got the inquiry from Jay and Laura asking us to document their Pomfret Center, Connecticut wedding. I already loved how amazing this wedding sounded, then I found out that my good friend and colleague Eric Laurits recommended me. Being the amazing person he is he naturally attracts wonderful people and after our first phone meeting with the couple it was a match made in heaven. Since I consider myself a family historian of sorts the fact that Laura and Jay were getting married at the farm house dating back three generations that she visited as a child made this wedding even more appealing. Add to the fact that multiple family members, including her parents, married there as well just sealed the deal for me. This was right up my alley and it did not disappoint. Everything about this event was how it should be in my opinion. Simple, laid back, and meaningful.
Laura remembers as child sitting with her Grandmother and watching the birds outside on the farm. This hummingbird kept coming back to the tree just outside where Laura was getting ready.
Being able to document a wedding such as this in such a meaningful location is exactly how I feel things should be. I loved being able to wander the house and catch family members doing their part to get the event ready all the while preserving what this house represents.
Jay getting ready down the road at the local inn. Photo by: Ryan Jensen
This image is particularly important to Laura. Her father getting ready for her wedding in the room that he grew up in.
Great moment between Laura and her sister as the finishing touches are applied.
Laura waiting upstairs for the ceremony to start, as Jay is reflected in the painting downstairs waiting to walk out.
Being able to capture a sense of place was very important to this story so we found a room with a view as Laura and her dad came down the aisle. Photo by: Ryan Jensen
Perhaps my favorite thing and ultimately my goal at every wedding is to capture subtle things that end up being memorable. As soon as we got in the car after the wedding Laura said how much she loved being able to hold Jay’s hand during the ceremony. I was silently grinning in the back seat knowing I had a photo of that.
The vibe the entire day was so perfect with everyone spending time outdoors around the property enjoying yard games as well as music from Four Bridges. Photo by: Ryan JensenTaking a minute to themselves before being introduced into the reception.
Dad toasting his daughter and new son-in-law.
Laura’s sister’s toast was incredible and very touching. Here they share a moment right as she returned to her seat.
You can’t be in a location like this and not take advantage of the golden light. So we slipped away at dinner for a fast portrait session.
Great outfit and dance moves. Photo by: Ryan Jensen
Photo by: Ryan Jensen
Photo by: Ryan Jensen
Photo by: Ryan Jensen
Such a pleasure to be with you both on your wedding day. Thank you both for sharing your joy, your family and your lives with me.
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Wow. One of your best ever.
Just WOW! the colours are so amazing.. what a wedding
The moments you captured in this wedding were stunning! Great team work in that shot through the window of the home into the ceremony site by Ryan too. Amazing, amazing work!