
Prairie Fire Museum wedding photography | Teaser Tuesday of Sarah and Mark’s Overland Park wedding

This wedding felt like a long time coming as I have had the wonderful opportunity to get these two very well over the past year through meetings as well as getting to watch them as a couple on New Years Eve as part of Hailee and Tiffany’s wedding. So I was super excited when it was their time. Mark and Sarah’s wedding took place in Overland Park, Kansas on Saturday with their wedding ceremony at Church of the Nativity followed by a wedding reception at the Prairie Fire Museum. The day proved to be one of the hottest of the year so far and we battled wind and bright sun but these two were troopers and embraced a fearless attitude that was contagious. I can’t wait to show these two their wedding photography at the Prairie Fire Museum as that building offers such incredible backdrops to work with. They are gonna have to wait for those but till then here a few of my favorites as a teaser. Enjoy!

Sometimes when a church limits your access it is good as you come up with new angles. I love how Mark is looking at Sarah during communion at their ceremony.

TW1_2166_bwWalter Cronkite, the dog, joined us in the Rolls Royce provided by Pech Limo for the couples get away from the ceremony. TW2_1171I don’t normally include portraits of the bride and groom as part of Teaser Tuesday, even though I do them at each wedding, but I had to include this one as I know Sarah would be anxious to see it. I told her I wanted her on top of a hill and without hesitation she hiked up her dress and

attacked that hill in high heels and has the bruises to prove it. I think it was worth it. TW1_2749  The send off in front of the Prairie Fire Museum. Perfect way to end the night. TW2_3150


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