Before I get to all the other very important posts, I wanted to share something I just found on my good friend Emilie Sommer’s blog. You may remember my post a few months back talking of my time as a mentor at her workshop- Roots. Well she just posted the finished layout pages of the students assignments on her blog.
Cool thing is one of the stories was about me. One of the students was assigned to follow me for the day as my made my rounds visiting and teaching students. It was a great expierence being on the other side of the camera and Scott McQuarrie did a fantastic job documenting me all day.
I am honored to be a part of this amazing experience again this July. This is such an amazing week devoted to our craft and the opportunity for students to work so closely with the best in business is pretty much life changing.
To see all of the stories and some unbelievable photography check out Em’s blog. From there you can check out more info on the workshop. I highly recommend it.
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Weehoo! Looking forward to seeing you in a few months!
Tyler – I still hear you in my head on shoots, it was a riot, one that I won’t soon forget.