Although wedding season has kicked off and we should do a teaser of a wedding, this normal day session was so much fun for Tyler that we had to use it as this weeks Teaser Tuesday. These two images are from the session we had the pleasure of doing with the Lueck family. What Tyler loved about the shoot was twofold. Partially due to its location, it was unlike a shoot he has done before since this one took place on the Lueck family farm (about an hour outside of town). Added bonus was that it included the immediate Lueck family, plus Grandma and Grandpa. Made for some great memories for young and old alike.
Enjoy these two images:
This first image is Grandma teaching her Granddaughter a skill that she will be able to use the rest of her life.
Gramdpa and his tractor.
Thanks for opening your home and your hearts to us. We cannot wait to have you in studio in a few weeks to show you the rest of the images.
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Nice shots ! these are really beautiful pictures..