It’s funny every time I mention to people that I am going to be photographing a birth inevitably I get a look of confusion and a response along the lines of- “why in the world would anyone want that'”? My response is always the same. Even though I have done this so many times I still excited every time I get to witness a new human come into the world. It is so amazing and something that needs to be documented. Giving birth has the potential of being a blur so it makes total sense to have it documented. Oh and it’s not clinical people. I am not aiming my camera at THAT area. It is all about the first time you lay eyes on that little person for the first time and having that documentation of those first moments together. Amy and John believe in it and have had me there to document both births of their children so the big story for them this time around was how they went from a family of three to four and the amazing moments of their daughter meeting her brother for the first time. It was fantastic and something I think everyone deserves to have.
Here are a few of my favorite images from the day.
Congrats you two and welcome to world Henry!

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